I hate when I go too long without posting; things get a bit overwhelming trying to catch up on all that has been going on. But here I am going to give it a go:) We will start picture #1 Guys birthday! What a great day. He had a few days off so we spent the long weekend going on bike rides and refinishing the swing set from Guy's childhood. Our bike ride started with Timothy teasing Bella in the bike trailer and Samuel crying that he was dying of thirst. I would have believed him but we hadn't even made it to the end of the block! I should have known if the trip starts with whining the trip will be filled with each child taking his or her turn to cry. Seriously the whole bike ride. I tried to make the most of it so I put in my headphones and cranked the Neil Diamond:) As I was trying to play catch up, peddling in my one gear that works, up a huge hill ;) I triumphantly make it to the top and start my descent only to find my brakes barely work. I immediately start yelling for the small children to get out of my way only to find Samuel swerving hogging up both lanes of the trail. I also find, after hitting Samuel's pedal with the trailer tire, that some idiot put a small dip at the bottom of the hill. Here I am going way over the speed limit allowed for bikes, especially ones with trailers attached, and am trying with all my might to slow down (I even tried putting a foot down and dragging it) nothing slows me down in time and I hit the dip just in time to look back and see the trailer take flight. Guy says it came at least a foot off the ground. I had just got the kids to stop crying only for them to start again upon landing. What a bike ride. On the ride home Guy hooked the trailer up to his bike (for safety purposes:)
Guy had a great birthday with the family. I am so thankful for him. I still can't believe he is almost 40! I love him so much!! I remember my Dad turning 40! Speaking of Dad, we were able to caravan with Dad and Debbie to my Uncle Terry's 70th birthday party. It was great to spend time with them and see some of my cousins and their families.
Now I am sure all of you know how I hate snakes, I dread them. I look forward to winter for the sole purpose of saying goooood bye to snake season. I thought it was already too cold for the stinkin things to be out, but last Thursday cousin Terrin made the worst mistake of his life......he let a snake go in my house! I should have known that trouble was brewing when Nikki and I were leaving to go to my first ever craft night at the church, and Mitchial and Terrin stopped us to surprise us with what they had in their pockets....snakes. I hollered at Mitchial and thought I scared Terrin enough he would never touch a snake again....but no!!! When I came home Mitch was still up and tried to hide and scare me but I saw him and foiled his plan. To get even he tells me "well if that didn't scare you I know what will" He then proceeds to tell me that Terrin came in to play and somehow his snake got out of his hoodie pocket. WHAT!!!! @#^$^&%&%&%^ I quickly look to Guy and see it in his eyes.....right away he starts telling me they have looked everywhere and think that maybe it might be outside. After I stop yelling I start to cry. I hate snakes that much. I had visions of stepping on a snake in the middle of the night or find one in my room. I prayed that night that I we would find it if it was in our house and prayed even more that it was not in our house. Well after 2 fearful days Mitchial yells to Guy that he found the dang thing curled up on his shoe by the front door. I don't know what is worse seeing the snake or wondering were it has been for 2 days. I am thankful that my prayer was answered, but it is going to be a long time before Terrin is welcome in my house:)