Thursday, July 30, 2009

Happy 6th Samuel!!

Samuel was our third boy and by far our biggest baby coming in at a whopping 8lbs. From day one he has been our baby pterodactyl, screaching when he is hungry(and he is ALWAYS hungry). We are so thankful to have our Samuel in our family. He a source of strength and already has a testimony of what is right and wrong. Samuel is our best listener and usually is the first to do what is asked. He loves to wear jammies and would all day if I let him! He is Bella's babysitter and once asked if he could marry her because he loves her so much! Oh the innocence of a child. Thanks Samuel for coming to our family...We love you soooo much!
(his toothless smile)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Stones Indian Warriors!

Now don't get me wrong, they are cute, but when you see them one minute with shirts on and clean faces, the warriors are a little alarming. Our great new neighbors "the girls" decided to paint the boys. What is funny, and a little sad, they didn't put on sunscreen so see the pink shoulders? Everywhere there wasn't paint; there was sunburn! In the tub as we were scrubbing black ears, eyes and belly buttons we were surprised to see white skin everywhere the paint was. Mitchial got the worse of it and has regretted not using sunscreen!! The thing I keep thinking is ....we still have over a month of summer left! Uuuugggghhhhh! Do I dare ask what's next?

Muddy Buddies!!

So summer has brought to our house the usual summertime things; bugs, rocks, more bugs, more rocks, water, dirt, and with our wonderful wet June......MUD! I have been trying to be a more relaxed mom; letting the kids get a bit dirtier, letting them stay up 30 minutes later, buying otter pops, not serving veggies at every meal, pretty good huh. Well I thought my boys would reward me for being so great....Not. For a week I missed this on my garage door only because each time I went out the door was open. Then the fateful day I went out to get the mail and to my surprise little muddy hand prints from one side of the house, around the front, and up to the front door. My question, why didn't Guy notice, or even my neighbors? What's really bad is they are still there! :)

In the next video you will see Mitchial's great idea of finding how far down you have to dig to find the water table. He also made sure his brothers were there to teach them all he knows about mud!! The bad thing is Guy seemed pleased with how smart his boys are!