Thursday, July 30, 2009

Happy 6th Samuel!!

Samuel was our third boy and by far our biggest baby coming in at a whopping 8lbs. From day one he has been our baby pterodactyl, screaching when he is hungry(and he is ALWAYS hungry). We are so thankful to have our Samuel in our family. He a source of strength and already has a testimony of what is right and wrong. Samuel is our best listener and usually is the first to do what is asked. He loves to wear jammies and would all day if I let him! He is Bella's babysitter and once asked if he could marry her because he loves her so much! Oh the innocence of a child. Thanks Samuel for coming to our family...We love you soooo much!
(his toothless smile)


Alana Lange said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Samuel!!! We miss you guys and hope to see you soon!
Love you guys!

hope2adoptbaby said...

happy birthday! we're sad we missed it.

Kelly said...

Hope you had an awesome birthday Samuel!! Your cake looks great!

HJ said...

he's gotten so so big. :( I miss you guys sooo much!!! Why are you never home when i call? Adam hasn't even lost a tooth yet and it looks like S has lost and replaced multiples!! I love you and your fam.