Monday, December 29, 2008

YES!! Thanks Santa!!

Yes, we had a fun Christmas. Santa has a tradition of leaving cereal for everyone, it is always fun to see how the cereal fits the person. For example I received Oatmeal raisin crisp(good flavor and full of fiber), Samuel: Cinnamon toast crunch(because he tells us his favorite hobby is eating), Mitchial: Golden Grahams (maybe because he is called the golden child), Timothy: Trix (this is a no brainer, Tim is a trixster), Guy:Coco puffs combo(this one is a bit harder to understand, maybe because he is a "combo" of handsomness and studleyness) and Ian: High School musical (this is easy because Ian is a high school musical wannabe:).
I would personally like to thank the Newcomers for the play dough that has been used in the entire house. It is a favorite...of the kids. Lets just say it is amazing, it doesn't dry out after being left out everyday, and it vacuums up wonderfully. I also need to thank them for a never ending singing helicopter. Many years ago they gave Mitchial a garbage truck that would start crushing garbage in the middle of the night. Freaky! Now we have a helicopter that starts singing with no one around. Love it!
I don't know who loves Bella's first baby doll more, her or her mom. It is a red headed preemie just like her, only she doesn't smell like powder. I didn't know cabbage patch dolls "smelled". Ian said his always did:) Uh oh now it's not a secret anymore. Sorry Ian. It was a wonderful holiday. Our best present is that Guy has a week off work!!! Yeah. I can't get enough of that present!!


The Newcomers said...

Maybe I should warn you that I ruined my vacuum by vacuuming up play-doh(; But your vacuum is probably better than mine, I got mine from Big Lots! ha ha (:

The Newcomers said...

Also, I'm glad we were able to add to the melodious tunes of your home!(: What are distant relatives for?!(: Maybe next time we should include ear plugs ha!

michaelangelo said...

The helicopter sounds wonderful - if you need more noise for your home we have a wonderful Catapillar Construction truck that is absolutely deafening that you are welcome to borrow!

Thanks for the package as well, we just got home from the boy's basketball game and opened the package - great fun! We love and miss you all!

marianne said...

I love that picture of Ian with his cereal. Sarcasm, perhaps? :)

And I should tell you . . .
our reindeer food included some red sugar sprinkles, and in the morning there was a smear of redness in our snow. It MUST be from Rudolph's nose, at least according to Halle.

AND, I'm so glad you have a daughter to spoil on christmas now. No doubt she will make out better than the rest in the future.