Monday, April 13, 2009

Mitchial's Baptism!!

Oh happy day!! After 2 missed baptism days we finally were able to baptise Mitchial. He loved practicing with Dad before hand and even laughed when they had to dunk him again! So cute! It is fun to see your baby grow and watch each milestone with a smile on my face. I love Mitchial so much and am so happy that he wanted to become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He shared his testimony with the family the other night at dinner, and I loved watching his brothers eyes grow big listening to their big brother share his feelings about Jesus Christ.
I am thankful for my worthy husband to bless our children with the priesthood. He is a wonderful man ( handsome too:).
I am thankful for my parents and that they worked so hard to raise me in the gospel.
We gave Mitchial his first scriptures and I included my testimony in the front just like my Dad did for me when I was baptized! Thanks to all the family that was there to support Mitchial. Little Timothy cried when Uncle Bret went home, he cried when Aunt Nikki and Grandma Stones went home, and even when Uncle Matt and Uncle Cory (and their families) went he cried when everyone went home! Poor Tim didn't understand why they didn't take him too.
I want to take a minute to share my testimony of Easter. I was having a rough day yesterday preparing dinner. I was thinking of my Mom and missing her so much. As I started a prayer asking for comfort and peace my heart was filled with the understanding and the promise of the ressurection. I know it is silly but I thought as I prayed how thankful I am to my brother Jesus Christ who died for me so that I can see my mom again. It was a wonderful feeling to know that I will see my mom again, I have that promise. It was a spiritual Easter for me as I learned for myself about the atonement and ressurection of Christ. Even as I prepared dinner and missed the wonderful meals my mom used to make I thought to myself what a better way to remember her than to follow her traditions. I must say I made the best gravy yesterday. Thanks for teaching me mom!


Amber said...

Look at us bein' good mommas and blogging about our boys baptisms. :) Even if I didn't blog about Noahs b-day yet. :) I wish I could have chatted with you a bit. It was kind of a whirlwind of a day wasn't it. Call me or I'll call you, I'd love to get together and chat. :)

Katie Voorhees said...

Hey Jill! I found your blog! I can't believe Mitchial is 8! Seriously? Wow. Anyhow, glad to hear things went well. He is such a good boy and you guys rock as parents! Let's not be such strangers anymore! I miss our chats!

Kelly said...

3rd times a charm right? It was good to get together with the family after the baptism. Thanks for the treats- even if you couldn't eat any-sorry:(
Kayden is glad he has a few years until he's held under the water like Mitchial was. He was so scared (it was funny).

Kyli said...

Wow, can't believe he's 8! What fun! And what a cute kid!