Thursday, February 4, 2010

Where has January gone?

Mitchial's 9th birthday!
Cool cobra cake made by Uncle Troy!

Our train ride to SLC!!

Our dreaded dead washer!

Our happy new washer!
What a month!! How time flies when your having fun...right. Whatever!
Our washer had been giving us grief but nothing big. I had noticed a small amount of wet concrete by the washer but wasn't too worried. I just thought that because our washer had been off balance some water leaked out. I won't forget that awful Friday night when I went downstairs to switch laundry out, I stepped off the last step and my foot was covered in water. AAGGGGGHHHH! I grew up with a flooding basement and hated it every time. I immediately hollered for Guy and together we started the cleanup. I do have to say that we were very blessed, the water did not get any of our food and missed the water heater and furnace by a foot. Heavenly Father was watching over us. It seems weird to say that when it was such a mess, but our disaster could have been much worse.
Guy studied up on the internet and thought he knew how to fix the washer. He went to SLC and bought a 70 dollar part (which can't be returned) and proceeded to fix the washer. He put a small load of clothes in and started the cycle only to watch the washer continue to fill and start flooding again. Not good. After further investigation, he found that our drum was cracked and by time we got it fixed ( and hoping nothing else went wrong) it would be cheaper or the same price as to get a new one! I have always wanted a front loader, but when you are forced to buy, it is not as much fun! Oh well. Now I have my washer:)
The 24th... Mitchial and Ian's birthday!
Ian never made it out to our house for the day, so Mitch celebrated by himself. Uncle Troy made a cool cobra cake that made all the boys happy! We are so thankful for Ian and Mitchial. They are wonderful boys and we couldn't live without them!! love you boys
The kids and I were able to ride the train to SLC with Aunt Nikki and family. What a great day. I defiantly would not have been able to do that without help. The kids were crazy with energy, and I was always afraid of one running off or getting stuck on the train without me! All went well and we had a great time!!


Elizabeth said...

Jill you're such a good Mom. What a cute Birthday cake!!!

Jill said...

Sorry about the flooding. I know how that goes. Love you new washer. Front loaders are great! Hope all goes well now!

Kelly said...

I cringe of the thought of a flooded basement. Too much experience for us in that area! I'm glad it didn't get your storage. Be glad you weren't dealing with carpet. Thanks for coming over for Kayden's birthday. It's fun getting the family together!

Me said...

Hey, I grew up with flooding in the basement too! It was always in the laundry room too. There's a drain at the bottom of the floor and it would always overflow, actually I think it still does that. Well your new washer looks great! Our washer and dryer are both used we'll see how long they will go for until i am forced to buy a front loader!