Thursday, January 8, 2009

Super mom....for a day!

Yes this was me for a day! I did take the cape off to clean the bathroom. I don't know if everyone feels as inadequate as me, but there are some days I look around and it looks like I did nothing. I know I did but why is the house a mess? I had a rough start to the week. Getting used to getting the kids to school on time was a tough one. I enjoy my sleep so when I have to wake up to a alarm...I am grumpy. Well yesterday I started the day off early with a diet coke. I was peppy, dressed in real clothes( no jammies for me). I had makeup on and dangly earrings. I was looking and feeling good. The kids had a real breakfast, no chips or corn dogs. They had a real lunch, again no chips and corn dogs. I started my bills and finished sending our "holiday" cards. By time the kids came home from school Timothy was up from a nap:) I had homemade brownies in the oven and was starting dinner. I had vacuumed the front room and hall and had the kitchen clean and had folded and done 2 batches of laundry. Yeah and it only gets better. I cleaned the bathroom and put Samuel in to soak while dinner was cooking. By the time Guy got home, all the kids were bathed and fed with veggies and all, and they all had their jammies on ready for bed. I think the fun thing was not only did I feel that I accomplished something that day, I actually had proof. I enjoyed my day as a mom. I had fun. Not everyday is "fun" when your a mom. Now my goal is to have more than one "super" day a week!!


Alana Lange said...

You are an awesome mom every day! No harder job in the world than being a stay at home mom! I submitted an application to stay home but I don't have the qualifications ;). They keep making me leave... :) I love days like those!

Amber said...

Good stuff! Seriously, and good for you to write about it. Take strength from this post. Remember that you CAN do it. :) That is such an awesome day.

hope2adoptbaby said...

Nice Work!! Just wanted to know why I didn't see any of those magic brownies?!?

Melanie said...

Wow, I haven't had a day like that in a long time, makes me feel better to know someone has...I'll try harder today. Thanks

marianne said...

WOW! I guess I need to start drinking Diet Coke! ha ha!

And I am highly offended that you think chips and corn dogs are not real food. And just so you know, there's nothing wrong with wearing your PJ's all day. ESPECIALLY if you are cleaning the bathroom! But you go with your big bad dangly earrings self! You ARE superwoman!

Kemp Family said...

Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who finds myself "slacking" off. Isn't it funny that before you have kids you're like, "when I have kids..." and it doesn't seem like it would take alot of effort, and then the kids come..... and you realize that those expectations were somewhat unrealistic, and that you really didn't think about everything that you'd have to do other than just raising kids. Good for you! I love those days also. Too bad they don't come more often.

Hayley said...

You have always been Super Woman to me, remember "SUPER STONES"? It just fits. I love your idea of having one of those a week. I'll work that, myself. Thanks for the idea!

Widdison said...

Don't you just love days like that?! Hey, thanks for the sweet card. You're the BEST! Have a wonderful week. Love ya!

michaelangelo said...

I guess now I can say I have a 'super' sister? (Make that two!)

Love you!

(If you were really super you would offer to clean your brother Jason's apartment!)

HJ said...

Even on your bad days you are a "super mom" Love ya