Sunday, December 7, 2008

Do not Laugh!!

Alright I am really starting to feel dumb. Who said blogging was easy? I guess it doesn't help to have Ian making fun of me. Maybe it is because I was up till 3am getting ready for family and friends to come over after the blessing. Today was a great day. Isabella was so good. She didn't even throw up on her blessing dress. I am so thankful that my Dad and brothers Bret (and his family), Cory (and his family), and Jason were able to come today. We also were lucky enough to have Guy's mom, his sister Nikki (and her family), his brotherMatt (and his family) make it too. I made a huge batch of homemade chicken and noodle soup, a batch of potato bacon soup, and a corn chowder. There were homemade rolls from Kelly, brownies, cake, salad(which gave you terrible onion breathe:) , frog eye salad, and cookies. At the end of the day there was only a few crumbs of brownie on the carpet, 1 small bowl of corn chowder and a half eaten roll. I think that means it was a success. It was so fun to be with family and friends. I missed my mom so much this week as I shopped for frilly socks and a headband for Bella. When I first found out I was having a girl, my mom and I talked about everything we would do. Make her dress, find her shoes but most of all just be together with our baby Bella. I tried to bribe my mom in getting better so she would be well enough to get out of the nursing home and come to the blessing. Every time I would visit her we would add to our plans and get excited for the future. Even when she was dying I would put her hand on my belly to feel Bella kick. I tried everything to get her to stay, but she was too sick. I felt cheated that I didn't get my mom anymore. This week I was even mad at her for leaving me and that I had to go shopping by myself. But today as I dressed my baby, I knew my mom was there. Bella was smiling and talking, just happy as a peach. I knew that she was talking to Grandma. Later at church I thought I would be a mess, but I was surprised to feel calm and peaceful. I didn't feel sad. Just happy. I am thankful for eternal families. I know my mom loves me and is watching over her granddaughter. Love you forever mom!!


michaelangelo said...

The blessing sounds wonderful, Jill and Guy; how we wish we could have been there with all of you. We would have cheered little Timothy on during his triumphant entry! (Good luck with the repairs!)

I'm sure Mom wouldn't have missed the blessing for anything, Jill; nothing would have made her happier, there's nowhere in the eternities she would have rather been. We love you and your beautiful little daughter. Give her a kiss from our family (that's a total of seven!) Have a great week.

hope2adoptbaby said...

I'm impressed! Your blog posts are getting better and better! Its a good thing I didn't come over after church because it sounds like there wouldn't have been any food for me! :)

Alana Lange said...

What an awesome day and great food too, you did great. Guy did such a great job on the blessing too. I know how hard it is to momless, it sucks! But I know she was there yesterday and she was able to be a part of it more than she would have if she would have been alive. You did such a good job and baby Bella looked beautiful, even if I did try and hold the wrong baby :)lol. Couldn't ask for a better sis in law!