Friday, December 12, 2008

Talent scouts watch out!!!

Last night was Mitchial's 1st piano recital! How exciting! I helped him practice right before we dressed him in his Christmas sweater and bow tie. He was so handsome. You all probably have experienced the evil demon that sneaks into your house as you are getting everyones shoes and coats on. For some reason the demon thinks it is funny to hide one shoe, someones coat, or in our house opens the door for the youngest to run out into the yard yelling at the top of his lungs. As I am yelling that no one should mess up their newly combed and hairsprayed hair, I feel a cold gust of air. I knew what had happened even before I went downstairs, the demon lured all my boys outside(without coats on). No amount of deep breathing calms the rush of getting somewhere on time. So after I put the sleeping baby into her carseat, she immediatly starts screaming. Of course. Why not. It's not like I had to bathe her at the last minute because she barfed all over her and me. So I am now standing in the doorway, in my new clean shirt, baby screaming and me yelling at the demon children to get in the car NOW!! Hopefully the neighbors mistook my yelling for caroling, or maybe they are just used to it by now. I finally get the doors to the house closed and all the children in the car when the piano boy realizes he doesn't have his piano book. Perfect. I ask where he had it last and get met by a blank look. Luckily I found it in record time and was on the road with 10 minutes to spare. As I am driving I hear from the back seat "Timothy get back in your carseat there is a cop behind us." Nice. So what do I do, pull over and make it obvious that one isn't buckeled up or yell for them to sit and act like all is well. I opted for the latter. When I turned into the church parking lot , the so called police car passed by and it wasn't even a cop. All that sweating for nothing. Thanks boys. Now I notice there is only a couple cars at the church and think that is funny that we are one of the first to be there. I get everyone in the church when Mitchial informs me he thinks this is the wrong church. What the heck. Timothy is already running half way around the church when I start yelling to get back into the car. In the mean time Guy calls me and asks where I am. I tell him we are at the stake center and without thinking he asks ....."why did you go there?". I didn't even answer. Needless to say we finally get to the right church and walk in trying to pretend all is well. As we walk in to the room everyone turns and looks at the Stones family with an impatient look. Of course they were waiting on us. Without crying I blurted out, "we went to the wrong church, ok?". After all the chaous Mitchial did a great job! We are so prould of him. Good thing recitals are only once a year. Oh yeah the picture of the feet was taken by Samuel who insists that he didn't play with the camera. Proof is in the pudding son. Next time he doesn't play with the camera he should take a picture of someone else's feet:)


Garcizzals said...

Wow you like to type a lot!! I can't stand typing. He looks so Handsome at the piano!!! Way to go Malissa and you for getting him into Piano!

hope2adoptbaby said...

SO FUNNY! Its better when you tell it in person, however, the pictures are really good! :)

Marc Gingell said...

That happens every time I try to go somewhere! Especially SUNDAYS!!!

michaelangelo said...

Most excellent, little Nephew!! That was the best piano rendition of Jingle Bell Ro.... I mean, Away in a Manger I have ever heard!! Congratulations!!!! (I love exclamation points!)

Oh yeah, please tell your mother to hit the 'Enter' key every few lines or so, they are called 'paragraphs'. LOL :)